link * Miss Marisol posted at 8:11 PM *
posted by Miss Marisol @ 8:11 PM |
Princess without a kingdom. . .
There is nothing sadder than a princess without a kingdom. Most people think you need to have the latter before you can be considered the former. But, I politely disagree.
link * Miss Marisol posted at 5:13 PM *
posted by Miss Marisol @ 5:13 PM |
I found an empty bottle of Laphroig Scotch outside the door to my building. Later that day, I read this ad on a subway platform -- "This city is my body. This body is the city."
My BFF is deft at playing cheesy, Diane Warrenesque R&B songs that perfectly fit whatever emotional dramas are encompassing my world at the time. Currently, his contribution to my aural reality is Tamia's "Almost."
Princess without a kingdom. . .
There is nothing sadder than a princess without a kingdom. Most people think you need to have the latter before you can be considered the former. But, I politely disagree.
This city is my body.
Day 36.365
Originally uploaded by Miss Hag.
What more can I say?
My BFF is deft at playing cheesy, Diane Warrenesque R&B songs that perfectly fit whatever emotional dramas are encompassing my world at the time. Currently, his contribution to my aural reality is Tamia's "Almost."
Click on the above photo for a more detailed account of said melancholia.
I don't miss you at all.
Name:Miss Marisol
Location:Manhattan, New York, United States
"As only New Yorkers know, If you can get through the twilight, You'll live through the night." -- Dorothy Parker
(And by "queer," I mean different, though some are, in fact "queer." But not in the pejorative sense.)
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