you still reading this?

I am 5'1" and I weigh 112 pounds. This is the smallest I have been since...shit...I don't even know. High school? Junior high?
I lost a solid 50 pounds in just over a year. For real. Without TrimSpa or crystal meth or vomiting. Just by burning more than I consume. And I consume a lot of whiskey.
People's reactions vary. Some people are genuinely excited for me. Most people say something like, "Well, you were always beautiful. Now? Well. Shit. I can't even explain it."
Some people try to feed me. "Eat a sandwich, girl."
They don't know.
Red Hot gave me an award for 2006 Sexiest Blog and while I appreciate that, I feel as though I really don't deserve it. I've posted, like, 5 times in the past year. I am not bringing the sexy back here, that's for sure.
This is the year that I become the world shortest supermodel. Supermodels don't blog. We Flickr.
Please, if you really want to know what's up with me, and I love you so fucking much if you do, come see me here. It's a party over there.
This space will self-destruct periodically.
link * Miss Marisol posted at 6:36 AM *
posted by Miss Marisol @ 6:36 AM